“The real technology behind technology is language.”
This episode is an audio version of a virtual panel held at the Linguistics Career Launch in the summer of 2021, and the moderator is Sue Lindner. The title of the panel is Linguists in Technical Communication.
Technical Communication includes not only writing, but editing, training, UX design, and other tasks related to communication. We’ll hear from three linguists with experience in large corporations, freelance contracting, and consulting, in a variety of positions, about how they plan, execute and evaluate their work, and the special skills that their linguistics training provided.
Joe Devney on LinkedIn
Madeleine Adkins on LinkedIn
Cate de Heer on LinkedIn
Society for Technical Communication
Jonathan Price and Henry Korman, How to Communicate Technical Information
Roger Shuy, Fighting over Words
Topics include
– technical writing
– technical communication
– documentation
– cultural communication
– content strategy
– content creation
Download a transcript here (Word doc) or view it online here courtesy of Luca Dinu